Are you in the game? [Jude Part 2]

Last Sunday I spoke on and thus wrote on the first part of Jude.  I really zeroed in on the idea Jude focuses on of identifying false teachers.  We are called to know the truth we profess so that we can differentiate between truth and falsehood and thus identify the false teachers.  This week we finished Jude.  In the latter half of this short book Jude focuses on the antidote to the false teachers, or the hope of the church in times marked by those seeking to destroy her. The plan set out by Jude is not too different from that of a good coach.

  1. We are to have a strong defense. (17-19) We are called to remember all that we have been taught and warned about.  We have been warned of the false teachers, we know what they will try to do. We have also been taught the truth.  We hold the truth and we must defend it.
  2. We are to be disciplined. (20-21) We are to remain in the word of God, pray Christ centered prayers, be obedient to God and live with eternity in mind.  These are all aspects of following the narrow road of faith. Daily practice leads to discipline, discipline leads to success.
  3. We are to have an active offense. (22-23) We are called to reach out with mercy and save those who doubt, those who are convinced and those who are leading others astray. It is not enough to sit back defending our faith in our own little circles.  We must be determined to take back those who have been stolen from our flock. This is love.

Do you see yourself as part of a team? Are you an active player?  When is the last time you strove to “score” on offense? We play a game with much higher stakes than any sport in the world but do we act like it?

Jude: Defending the Faith

When is the last time you read the book of Jude?  You know, that really short one just before Revelation.  This is a seldom taught and thus seldom read book of the Bible but it is so important to us in this day and age.  Jude writes this very urgent letter to instruct his readers on how to identify false teachers.  Jude does not hold any punches in his short letter when it comes to the character and judgment of these misleading leaders.  He compares them to Sodom and Gomorrah, fruitless tress and fallen angels.  Jude implores his readers to “contend vigorously” for the one true faith and gospel. He warns them to beware of self-seekers who wish to detract from Christ’s gospel.

So, what does false doctrine look like?  False doctrine is anything that places its focus outside of faith in Jesus Christ.  So, I have two questions for you.

Do you know your faith well enough to know when it is being attacked?

Are you actively involved in defending the faith?

There is no shortage of critics and false teachers of Christ.  I wonder what our families, schools, cities and countries would be like if we all began to stand up for our faith?