
Who I am

I am the Resident Camp Director for SpringHill Camps in Seymour, Indiana.  I have been involved in camping ministry since 2003.  I believe passionately in the power of Christ, His Church and the Family and camping ministry has allowed me to work within the context of all three.

Every year I get the opportunity to hire, train and coach over 150 college aged students to work with kids and share Christ. This process has lead to many insights over the years in the realms of: Leadership, Training, Generational Characteristics, Community Building and most importantly the family.

I am a graduate of Cedarville University where I majored in Youth Ministry and Christian Education.  I met my wife Kate while working at camp and we have one beautiful daughter, Charlotte.

Purpose of this blog

The purpose of this blog is threefold:

  • Connect Parents to other Parents. My hope is that through this blog parents will be able to connect with one another over common topics and that there will be a community of support.
  • Connect Parents/ Families to other resources. There is a wealth of information out there that is constantly being added to in the area of parenting and the Christian family.  This will be a place to share it.
  • Connect Parents to the camp experience. During the summer months I will post daily video blogs about how summer camp is going.  This will enable parents to see a snapshot of what is happening at camp and what their children are experiencing.

How to Contact me:

You can always post to this blog and I will respond within 48 hours, or you can email me at cedgren@springhillcamps.com


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