Meet the Staff [Part 6]


Hello, I’m EJ Tiggs. I attend the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville, IN. I’m working on earning a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and Advertising. This summer will be my third summer working on staff at SpringHill. I’ve been a Red Brush Counselor, a Red Brush Area Director, and this summer I will be a Teen Service Team Area Director. Before working at SpringHill, I had been a camper in both InPursuit and TST.

I’m so glad that I get to work at SpringHill this summer because it gives me this great opportunity that I don’t get often, and that is being able to share the message of Christ with younger children and teens and mentor them. Being that I was a camper before, I value the counselors and leaders that helped me through middle school and high school. SpringHill isn’t just a summer camp; it’s a tool that helps young people grow in Christ. What I’m looking forward to the most are the life changing moments that are sure to come!


From the glittering lights of the Las Vegas strip to the scenic location of SpringHill tucked away in the woods of Indiana, this summer is going to be quite a drastic and refreshing change. My name is Nicole Zimmerman, and I have the privilege of serving as Director for the InPursuit program. I have been actively involved in youth ministry and performing arts ministries since 2005 and attended college in Las Vegas and California with my focus in Business Administration and Biblical Studies. I cannot wait to spend my summer at SpringHill because I believe so greatly in its purpose and vision. Seeing youth come to know and grow in the Lord while learning to connect everyday life and activities with their faith is the greatest blessing. I look most forward to connecting with the youth and seeing all the preparation and prayer come to life once camp weeks begin.

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