When Church and Camp Combine

This past Friday SpringHill had the opportunity to help out Grace Community Church near Indianapolis by running our Euro Bungee at Fan Jam. This event had over 200 fourth and fifth grade students attend.  The children got to hear a presentation of the gospel, worship with Keith Conner, eat some pizza and participate in some crazy indoor fun.  We got to be a part of the “crazy indoor fun” part by providing our Euro Bungee.  It is not too often we bring this activity indoors and it’s not too easy either.  With the help of some creative minds and strong volunteers we made it happen.

This was such a fun event!  Once the kids were “released” to do the activities we instantly became the most popular with a very long line.  It was such a blessing to interact with all of these kids.  I even got to speak with some campers who expressed how pumped they are to be coming back this summer.  To be a part of an event focused on reaching out to the local community was a real encouragement.  Thank you Grace for all your hard work to pull this off.  Thank you Volunteers and SpringHill staff for helping make an outdoor activity, inside, a possibility.

Fan Jam is a real life example of a local church body investing in spiritual lives of children within their community.  Fan Jam is also another example of what is possible when ministries with a common purpose work together and share resources to achieve their common mission.  I pray that more and more Christ centered ministries would begin to realize the strength we have when we work together to spread the gospel of Christ.

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