Edison [or Tesla] Would be Proud

As I have stated before, change is in the air here at SpringHill.  Due to the unseasonably warm weather we have had the opportunity to really make some great strides on our “to do” list.  One of the exciting updates for this summer is electricity! Now I understand that it was over 120 years ago that Tesla and Edison duked it out over “power rights” and thus electricity may seem like old news.  However, when it comes to lights, fans and power to our Walled Tents, Hill toppers and Teepees, this is literally groundbreaking news.  Our site team along with some outside help and volunteers has spent hours tearing through our earth to lay down the cable needed to provide power to these (no longer) rustic areas.  Parents, staff and campers alike can rejoice knowing that this summer, no matter where you stay, you will have the ability to see and cool off.

I understand that some may ask: “At what point do you loose the rustic feel of camping?”  I have had to wrestle with this question myself so let me share with you why these updates are important for SpringHill and are aligned with our mission.  Our goal is to provide a safe, welcoming camp environment for all of our guests.  Our mission involves sharing the life-impacting message of Christ with every camper.  It becomes difficult to accomplish our mission if campers are too focused on such things as the heat or a fear of the dark.  We also understand that some parents are not comfortable sending their children to sleep away in an unlit cabin with no movement of air.  By adding power we now have the ability to add lighting and fans to each cabin, thus addressing the aforementioned concerns.

We are so excited about these updates and I cannot wait to see how God is going to use them to further His kingdom.  If you are interested in helping complete this project please contact me at cedgren@springhillcamps.com. If you have any questions about this project, please leave a comment.

3 thoughts on “Edison [or Tesla] Would be Proud

  1. Thanks for the update on the electricity issue as I know my daughter has commented on the heat more than once. I was wondering what information you can share on the bathroom situation. The port-a-potties were another thing I heard a lot about after last year’s camp experience – and is making it difficult for her to make a decision to come back – though she loved everything else. Any news you can share would be greatly appreciated.

    • Great question! We are currently in the planning phase of a campaign to raise the funds to add another bath house. There will be some changes in effect as early as this summer to improve the bathroom situation for Red Brush 4-6 grade boys and girls. As we get closer to having details on these projects I will be sure to post about them. We are doing everything we can to address these issues. Thank you so much for commenting. I hope to see you and your daughter this summer!

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